Get booming with technology

At TechBOOM, where tech meets transformation, they are not just about buttons and screens; they are the launchpad into a world of tech empowerment. Unleashing the true potential of technology, TechBOOM guide individuals beyond the gadgets, helping them master the art of tech integration and innovation for home, school, and work. Join TechBOOM on an exhilarating journey as they decode the tech realm with others, making it their superpower for learning, communication, and success. 

Empowering Tech Integration and Literacy for Every Generation

From home to school to the workplace, TechBOOM passion lies in making technology accessible and meaningful for everyone. They are more than just a non-profit organization; They are a community-driven movement dedicated to solving problems through technology and unraveling the true potential of technology, itself. 

Unleashing the Power of Purposeful Tech 

TechBOOM isn't just about devices and software—it's about understanding how technology can revolutionize learning, communication, and social connections. They are one's guide on the tech journey, helping them grasp not just the 'how' but the 'why' behind tech innovation. 


Welcome to TechBOOM! 

Male gamer looking at audience

Founded in 2015, TechBOOM is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering individuals of all ages to thrive in an increasingly techie world. Through their mission, they empower lives through seamless tech integration, education and innovation at home, school, and work.

At TechBOOM, they believe that technology is more than just a tool – it's a gateway to boundless opportunities. They go beyond the mere technical skills and inspire individuals to venture beyond the technology horizon in order to create solutions to problems.

By doing so, TechBOOM enable individuals to leverage technology for improved learning, effective communication, and meaningful social interactions.

TechBOOM provide tailored programs and guidance to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the tech landscape confidently. TechBOOM is their partner in embracing technology effectively.

Join them in this exciting journey into technology -- past, present and future. Together, one can explore, learn, and unleash the power of technology in order to transform the way one live, learn, and connect.

Mother with two kids using a tablet


At TechBOOM, we believe that technology is not just a tool but a pathway to learning, communication, and socialization. TechBOOM offer four key services to make technology accessible and meaningful to all: 

Gif animation showing info about TechSCAPE


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All about TechCLUB

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TechBOOM Typing 

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"Technology is such a broad kind of term, it really applies to so many things, from the electric light to running cars on oil.

All of these different things can be called technology." 

Jeff Bridges